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The Pandemic’s Larger Impacts on Financial Reporting It’s About Much More than a Loss of Revenue Many people incorrectly assumed that the pandemic’s only true effect on a business’s financials was a loss (albeit often significant) of revenue. And while that assumption is not even necessarily true of every business (many did very well), Covid-19 impacted… | Read the full article »
Embracing Negotiations in Leadership How to Break Through Hesitation and Negotiate Your Best Solution Negotiations are a crucial part of corporate strategy, but not (as some may think) merely for high-stake deals, such as mergers and acquisitions. In fact, leadership frequently requires negotiation on nearly a daily basis. And good leaders understand that negotiating is… | Read the full article »
Time management is one of the most useful, yet often most difficult, skills a CEO can master. There is arguably no other role in corporate America with more functions, time restrictions, pressure, and distractions. Add to that the transitions and contingencies associated with a global pandemic, and time management feels like more of a conundrum than… | Read the full article »
The Real Costs of Deal FatigueHow Not Being Prepared for the Deal can Cost You the Deal Deal fatigue is a common occurrence in the world of mergers and acquisitions. The parties involved get frustrated with the process and feel helpless that they can do anything to speed it up. Frankly, they’re fed up, and… | Read the full article »
Getting Back to Business Basics We have collectively experienced unprecedented times. As CEOs and CFOs, we seem to be writing the playbook as we go. Over the past eighteen months, survival mode has become the norm rather than the exception, as we navigate the turbulent waters of each day. Yet, we all realize we can’t survive in survival mode for extended periods of time. In doing… | Read the full article »
Leadership – The Importance of Leading Your Mental Health First I love people. I always have. And I am sure I always will. That being said, once I became a leader of an organization, one of the most difficult things for me to grasp was that my team, made up of colleagues who previously would join me for lunch or socialize after work hours, no longer seemed to want to… | Read the full article »
Cybersecurity – It’s Not Just a “Big Business” Problem Cybersecurity is a word we’ve all become entirely too familiar with. It seems that we can’t turn on the news without hearing about another story of a company being hacked, its information stolen, and, in certain instances, its data being held for ransom. And despite what… | Read the full article »
We talk a lot about leadership and how strong leadership is required for success in any organization. Strong leaders guide the company and the team along the mission-paved path, leading to the alluring vision of what the company will be one day. Strong leaders are confident enough to help grow skills in others without being… | Read the full article »
Weathering the Storm Preparing Your Business for Disaster Recovery Many of us, myself included, operate businesses in the state of Florida. That being said, hurricane season is as much a part of our annual routines as tax season. From June 1st to November 1st each year, Floridians listen to the warnings, watch the forecasts and projected… | Read the full article »
Once Upon a Time … The Importance of Storytelling when Pitching Investors Think back to one of your most memorable experiences. At its foundation was likely a great story. It may have been your own or it could have been someone else’s, but a connection was made. You probably remember how you felt, where you were, maybe even a scent or what you were wearing. That’s what stories do – they connect… | Read the full article »